Supriya (25.2b2)


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Supriya is a Python API for SuperCollider.

Supriya lets you:

  • Boot and communicate with SuperCollider’s synthesis engine in realtime.

  • Explore nonrealtime composition with scores.

  • Compile SuperCollider SynthDefs natively in Python code.

  • Build time-agnostic asyncio-aware applications with the context interface.

  • Schedule patterns and callbacks with tempo- and meter-aware clocks.

  • Integrate with IPython, Sphinx and Graphviz.


1. Get Supriya

pip install supriya
git clone
cd supriya
pip install -e .


Consult our installation instructions for detailed help on getting Supriya, setting it up, and installing any additional dependencies like Graphviz.

2. Get SuperCollider

Get SuperCollider from

3. Boot the server

Start your Python interpreter and import Supriya:

>>> import supriya

Boot the SuperCollider server:

>>> server = supriya.Server().boot()

4. Build a SynthDef

Import some classes:

>>> from supriya import Envelope, synthdef
>>> from supriya.ugens import EnvGen, Out, SinOsc

Make a synthesizer definition:

>>> @synthdef()
... def simple_sine(frequency=440, amplitude=0.1, gate=1):
...     sine = * amplitude
...     envelope =, gate=gate, done_action=2)
..., source=[sine * envelope] * 2)

Visualize the SynthDef (requires Graphviz):

>>> supriya.graph(simple_sine)

Allocate it on the server:

>>> _ = server.add_synthdefs(simple_sine)

… and then sync the server before proceeding to ensure the SynthDef has been fully parsed by scsynth:

>>> _ = server.sync()

5. Create some nodes

Create and allocate a group:

>>> group = server.add_group()

Create some synthesizers with the previously defined synthesizer definition, and allocate them on the server as a child of the previously created group:

>>> for i in range(3):
...     _ = group.add_synth(simple_sine, frequency=111 * (i + 1))

Query the server’s node tree:

>>> print(server.query_tree())
NODE TREE 0 group
    1 group
        1000 group
            1003 simple_sine
                amplitude: 0.1, frequency: 333.0, gate: 1.0
            1002 simple_sine
                amplitude: 0.1, frequency: 222.0, gate: 1.0
            1001 simple_sine
                amplitude: 0.1, frequency: 111.0, gate: 1.0

6. Release and quit

Release the synths:

>>> for synth in group.children[:]:

Quit the server:

>>> server.quit()
<Server OFFLINE [/usr/local/bin/scsynth -R 0 -l 1 -u 57110]>