
Uqbar Sphinx inheritance graph extension.

Install by adding 'uqbar.sphinx.inheritance' to the extensions list in your Sphinx configuration.

Invoke by adding the following directive to your ReST source:

.. inheritance-graph:: some.python.path

This will generate Graphviz output mediated by a uqbar.apis.InheritanceGraph instance. You can specify lineage paths by adding a :lineage: option to the directive:

.. inheritance-graph:: some.python.path
   :lineage: some.lineage.path

Both the main argument to the directive and the lineage option can take multiple paths, separated by spaces:

.. inheritance-graph:: path.two
   :lineage: path.three path.four path.five
class InheritanceDiagram(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)

Bases: Directive

Runs when the inheritance_diagram directive is first encountered.

run() list[Node]
class inheritance_diagram(rawsource='', *children, **attributes)

Bases: General, Element

A docutils node to use as a placeholder for the inheritance diagram.

build_urls(self, node: inheritance_diagram) Mapping[str, str]

Builds a mapping of class paths to URLs.

html_visit_inheritance_diagram(self, node: inheritance_diagram) None

Builds HTML output from an inheritance_diagram node.

latex_visit_inheritance_diagram(self, node: inheritance_diagram) None

Builds LaTeX output from an inheritance_diagram node.

setup(app) dict[str, Any]

Sets up Sphinx extension.

skip(self, node: inheritance_diagram) None

Skip generating output, for non-supported builders.