
Core interfaces for interfacting with scsynth-compatible execution contexts.

Context subclasses expose a common interface for realtime and non-realtime synthesis.

class Completion(context: Context, moment: Moment)

Bases: object

A context manager for collecting requests to be made “on completion” of another request.

Multiple requests made inside a completion are bundled together.

context: Context

The completion’s context.

moment: Moment

The completion’s moment.

__call__(request: Request) Request

Bundle this completion’s collected requests into the on_completion argument of the request.

request: Request

The request to complete.

__enter__() Completion

Set this completion as the current “request context”.

__exit__(*args) None

Unset this completion as the current “request context”.

class Context(options: Options | None, **kwargs)

Bases: object

A synthesis execution context.

options: Options | None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

add_buffer(*, channel_count: int | None = None, channel_indices: List[int] | None = None, file_path: PathLike | None = None, frame_count: int | None = None, starting_frame: int | None = None, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Buffer

Add a new buffer to the context.

Emit /b_alloc, /b_allocRead or /b_allocReadChannel requests depending on parameters.

channel_count: int | None = None

The channel count of the new buffer. Cannot be used when reading from file paths.

channel_indices: List[int] | None = None

The channels to read from a file when reading from a file.

file_path: PathLike | None = None

The (optional) file to read from.

frame_count: int | None = None

The frame count of the new buffer.

starting_frame: int | None = None

The frame to start reading from when reading from a file.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

add_buffer_group(*, channel_count: int | None = None, count: int = 1, frame_count: int | None = None) BufferGroup

Add a group of new buffers to the context.

Emit /b_alloc requests.

channel_count: int | None = None

The channel count of the new buffers.

count: int = 1

The number of buffers to add.

frame_count: int | None = None

The frame count of the new buffers.

add_bus(calculation_rate: CalculationRate | SupportsInt | str | None = CalculationRate.CONTROL) Bus

Add a new bus to the context.

Emit no requests.

calculation_rate: CalculationRate | SupportsInt | str | None = CalculationRate.CONTROL

The calculation rate of the new bus.

add_bus_group(calculation_rate: CalculationRate | SupportsInt | str | None = CalculationRate.CONTROL, count: int = 1) BusGroup

Add a group of new buses to the context.

Emit no requests.

calculation_rate: CalculationRate | SupportsInt | str | None = CalculationRate.CONTROL

The calculation rate of the new bus.

count: int = 1

The number of buses to add.

add_group(*, add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None = AddAction.ADD_TO_HEAD, target_node: SupportsInt | None = None, parallel: bool = False, permanent: bool = False) Group

Add a new group node to the context.

Emit /g_new or /p_new requests depending on parameters.

add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None = AddAction.ADD_TO_HEAD

The add action to use when placing the new group.

target_node: SupportsInt | None = None

The node to place the new group relative to.

parallel: bool = False

Flag for parallel vs non-parallel groups.

permanent: bool = False

Flag for using a permanent node ID.

add_synth(synthdef: SynthDef, *, add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None = AddAction.ADD_TO_HEAD, target_node: SupportsInt | None = None, permanent: bool = False, **settings) Synth

Add a new synth node to the context.

Emit /s_new requests.

synthdef: SynthDef

The SynthDef to use for the new synth.

add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None = AddAction.ADD_TO_HEAD

The add action to use when placing the new synth.

target_node: SupportsInt | None = None

The node to place the new synth relative to.

permanent: bool = False

Flag for using a permanent node ID.


The new synth’s control settings.

add_synthdefs(*synthdefs: SynthDef, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Add one or more SynthDefs to the context.

Emit /d_recv requests.

*synthdefs: SynthDef

The synthdefs to add.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

at(seconds=None) Moment

Create a Moment.


The timestamp of the new moment.

clear_schedule() None

Clear all scheduled bundles.

Emit /clearSched requests.

close_buffer(buffer: Buffer, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Close a buffer.

Emit /b_close requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to close.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

copy_buffer(*, source_buffer: Buffer, target_buffer: Buffer, source_starting_frame: int, target_starting_frame: int, frame_count: int)

Copy a buffer.

Emit /b_gen <buffer.id_> copy ... requests.

source_buffer: Buffer

The buffer to copy from.

target_buffer: Buffer

The buffer to copy to.

source_starting_frame: int

The frame index in the source buffer to start reading from.

target_starting_frame: int

The frame index in the target buffer to start writing at.

frame_count: int

The number of frames to copy.


Emit a no-op “nothing” command.

fill_buffer(buffer: Buffer, starting_frame: int, frame_count: int, value: float) None

Fill a buffer with a single value.

Emit /b_fill requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to fill.

starting_frame: int

The frame index to start filling at.

frame_count: int

The number of frames to fill.

value: float

The value to fill with.

fill_bus_range(bus: Bus, count: int, value: float) None

Fill a contiguous range of buses with a single value.

Emit /c_fill requests.

count: int

The number of buses to fill.

value: float

The value to fill with.

free_all_synthdefs() None

Free all SynthDefs.

Emit /d_freeAll requests.

free_buffer(buffer: Buffer, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Free a buffer.

Emit /b_free requests.


Freeing the first buffer of a buffer group will free the IDs of all buffers in the group, but will only issue a /b_free request for the first buffer.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to free.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

free_buffer_group(buffer_group: BufferGroup) None

Free a buffer grop.

Emit /b_free requests.

buffer_group: BufferGroup

The buffer group to free.

free_bus(bus: Bus) None

Free a bus.

Emit no requests.


Freeing the first bus of a bus group will free the IDs of the entire group.

bus: Bus

The bus to free.

free_bus_group(bus_group: BusGroup) None

Free a bus group.

Emit no requests.

bus_group: BusGroup

The bus group to free.

free_group_children(group: Group, synths_only: bool = False) None

Free a group’s children.

Emit /g_deepFree or /g_freeAll requests depending on parameters.

group: Group

The group whose children will be freed.

synths_only: bool = False

Flag for freeing only child synths, or all children.

free_node(node: Node, force: bool = False) None

Free a node.

Emit /n_free for groups, for synths without a gate control, or when force is True.

Emit /n_set <node.id_> gate 0 for synths with gate controls.

node: Node

The node to free.

force: bool = False

Flag for force-freeing, without releasing.

free_synthdefs(*synthdefs: SynthDef) None

Free one or more SynthDefs.

Emit /d_free requests.

*synthdefs: SynthDef

The synthdefs to free.

generate_buffer(buffer: Buffer, command_name: Literal['sine1', 'sine2', 'sine3', 'cheby'], amplitudes: Sequence[float], frequencies: Sequence[float] | None = None, phases: Sequence[float] | None = None, as_wavetable: bool = False, should_clear_first: bool = False, should_normalize: bool = False) None

Generate a buffer.

Emit /b_gen requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to generate.

command_name: Literal['sine1', 'sine2', 'sine3', 'cheby']

The generation command name.

amplitudes: Sequence[float]

A sequence of partial amplitudes.

frequencies: Sequence[float] | None = None

A sequence of partial frequencies.

phases: Sequence[float] | None = None

A sequence of partial phases.

as_wavetable: bool = False

Flag for generating the output in wavetable format.

should_clear_first: bool = False

Flag for clearing the buffer before generating.

should_normalize: bool = False

Flag for normalizing the generated output.

load_synthdefs(path: PathLike, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Load SynthDefs from a path.

Emit /d_load requests.


At the time of this writing, supernova does not support globbing.

path: PathLike

The file path to load from. Globbing characters (e.g. *) are permitted.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

load_synthdefs_directory(path: PathLike, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Load all SynthDefs from a directory.

Emit /d_loadDir requests.

path: PathLike

The directory path to load from.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

map_node(node: Node, **settings: Bus | None) None

Map a node’s controls to buses.

Emit /n_map and /n_mapa requests.

node: Node

The node whose controls will be mapped.

**settings: Bus | None

A mapping of control names to buses (or to None to unmap the control).

move_node(node: Node, add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None, target_node: Node) None

Move a node.

Emit /n_after, /n_before, /g_head and /g_tail requests depending on parameters.

node: Node

The node to move.

add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None

The add action to use when moving the node.

target_node: Node

The target node to place the node relative to.

normalize_buffer(buffer: Buffer, new_maximum: float = 1.0, as_wavetable: bool = False) None

Normalize a buffer.

Emit /b_gen <buffer.id_> (w)?normalize requests depending on parameters.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to normalize.

new_maximum: float = 1.0

The new maximum to normalize to.

as_wavetable: bool = False

Flag for treating the buffer contents as a wavetable.

order_nodes(target_node: Node, *nodes: Node, add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None = None) None

Re-order nodes.

Emit /n_order requests.

target_node: Node

The node to re-order the other nodes relative to.

*nodes: Node

The nodes to re-order.

add_action: AddAction | SupportsInt | str | None = None

The add action to use when re-ordering the nodes.

pause_node(node: Node) None

Pause a node.

Emit /n_run <node.id_> 0 requests.

node: Node

The node to pause.

read_buffer(buffer: Buffer, file_path: PathLike, *, buffer_starting_frame: int | None = None, channel_indices: List[int] | None = None, frame_count: int | None = None, leave_open: bool = False, starting_frame: int | None = None, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Read a file into a buffer.

Emit /b_read or /b_readChannel requests, depending on parameters.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to read into.

file_path: PathLike

The file path to read from.

channel_indices: List[int] | None = None

A list of channel indices to read from when reading from a file.

frame_count: int | None = None

The number of frames to read.

leave_open: bool = False

Flag for leaving the file open (e.g. to continue reading via DiskIn) or close it.

starting_frame: int | None = None

The starting frame in the buffer to begin reading into at.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

abstract send(message: SupportsOsc)

Send a message to the execution context.

message: SupportsOsc

The message to send.

set_buffer(buffer: Buffer, index: int, value: float) None

Set a buffer sample.

Emit /b_set requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to modify.

index: int

The sample index to write at.

value: float

The value to write.

set_buffer_range(buffer: Buffer, index: int, values: Sequence[float]) None

Set a buffer sample range.

Emit /b_setn requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to modify.

index: int

The sample index to start writing at.

values: Sequence[float]

The values to write.

set_bus(bus: Bus, value: float) None

Set a control bus to a value.

Emit /c_set requests.

bus: Bus

The control bus to set.

value: float

The value to set the control bus to.

set_bus_range(bus: Bus, values: Sequence[float]) None

Set a range of control buses.

Emit /c_setn requests.

bus: Bus

The bus to start writing at.

values: Sequence[float]

The values to write.

set_node(node: Node, *indexed_settings: Tuple[int, SupportsFloat | Sequence[SupportsFloat]], **settings: SupportsFloat | Sequence[SupportsFloat]) None

Set a node’s controls.

Emit /n_set requests.

node: Node

The node whose controls will be set.

*indexed_settings: Tuple[int, SupportsFloat | Sequence[SupportsFloat]]

A sequence of control indices to values.

**settings: SupportsFloat | Sequence[SupportsFloat]

A mapping of control names to values.

set_node_range(node: Node, *indexed_settings: Tuple[int, Sequence[SupportsFloat]], **settings: Sequence[SupportsFloat]) None

Set a range of node controls.

Emit /n_setn requests.

node: Node

The node whose controls will be set.

*indexed_settings: Tuple[int, Sequence[SupportsFloat]]

A sequence of control indices to values.

**settings: Sequence[SupportsFloat]

A mapping of control names to values.

unpause_node(node: Node) None

Unpause a node.

Emit /n_run <node.id_> 1 requests.

node: Node

The node to unpause.

write_buffer(buffer: Buffer, file_path: PathLike, *, frame_count: int | None = None, header_format: HeaderFormat | SupportsInt | str | None = 'aiff', leave_open: bool = False, sample_format: SampleFormat | SupportsInt | str | None = 'int24', starting_frame: int | None = None, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Write a buffer to disk.

Emit /b_write requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to write to disk.

file_path: PathLike

The file path to write into.

frame_count: int | None = None

The number of frames to write.

header_format: HeaderFormat | SupportsInt | str | None = 'aiff'

The header format to use, e.g. AIFF or WAVE.

leave_open: bool = False

Flag for leaving the file open (e.g. to continue writing via DiskOut) or close it.

sample_format: SampleFormat | SupportsInt | str | None = 'int24'

The sample format to use, e.g. INT24 or FLOAT.

starting_frame: int | None = None

The starting frame in the buffer to start writing from.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

zero_buffer(buffer: Buffer, on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None) Completion

Set a buffer’s contents to zero.

Emit /b_zero requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to zero.

on_completion: Callable[[Context], None] | None = None

A callable with the buffer’s context as the only argument. Permits building an “on completion” argument to this method’s request without an active moment.

property audio_input_bus_group : BusGroup

Get the context’s audio output buses.

property audio_output_bus_group : BusGroup

Get the context’s audio input buses.

property client_id : int

Get the context’s client ID.

property latency : float

Get the context’s latency.

property options : Options

Get the context’s scsynth options.

property root_node : RootNode

Get the context’s root node.

class Moment(context: Context, seconds: float | None = None)

Bases: object

A context manager representing a moment in time when requests are made to an execution context.

Multiple requests made inside a moment are bundled together.

context: Context

The moment’s context.

seconds: float | None = None

The moment’s timestamp.

__enter__() Moment

Set this moment the current “request context”.

__exit__(*args) None

Unset this moment as the current “request context”.