
Tools for interacting with realtime execution contexts.

class AsyncServer(options: Options | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseServer

A realtime execution context with asyncio-based OSC and process protocols.

options: Options | None = None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

async boot(*, options: Options | None = None, **kwargs) AsyncServer

Boot the server.

options: Options | None = None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

async connect(*, options: Options | None = None, **kwargs) AsyncServer

Connect to a running server.

options: Options | None = None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

async disconnect() AsyncServer

Disconnect from a running server.

async get_buffer(buffer: Buffer, *indices: int, sync: bool = True) Dict[int, float] | None

Get a buffer sample.

Emit /b_get requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer whose sample to get.

*indices: int

The sample indices to read.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async get_buffer_range(buffer: Buffer, index: int, count: int, sync: bool = True) Sequence[float] | None

Get a buffer sample range.

Emit /b_getn requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer whose samples to get.

index: int

The sample index to start reading at.

count: int

The number of samples to read.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async get_bus(bus: Bus, sync: bool = True) float | None

Get a control bus value.

Emit /c_get requests.

bus: Bus

The control bus whose value to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async get_bus_range(bus: Bus, count: int, sync: bool = True) Sequence[float] | None

Get a range of control bus values.

Emit /c_getn requests.

bus: Bus

The control bus to start reading at.

count: int

The number of contiguous buses whose values to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async get_synth_control_range(synth: Synth, control: int | str, count: int, sync: bool = True) Sequence[str | float] | None

Get a range of synth controls.

Emit /s_getn requests.

synth: Synth

The synth whose control to get.

control: int | str

The control to start reading at.

count: int

The number of contiguous controls to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async get_synth_controls(synth: Synth, *controls: int | str, sync: bool = True) Dict[int | str, float] | None

Get a synth control.

Emit /s_get requests.

synth: Synth

The synth whose control to get.

*controls: int | str

The controls to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async query_buffer(buffer: Buffer, sync: bool = True) BufferInfo | None

Query a buffer.

Emit /b_query requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to query.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async query_node(node: Node, sync: bool = True) NodeInfo | None

Query a node.

Emit /n_query requests.

node: Node

The node to query.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async query_status(sync: bool = True) StatusInfo | None

Query the server’s status.

Emit /status requests.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async query_tree(group: Group | None = None, include_controls: bool = True, sync: bool = True) QueryTreeGroup | QueryTreeSynth | None

Query the server’s node tree.

Emit /g_queryTree requests.

group: Group | None = None

The group whose tree to query. Defaults to the root node.

include_controls: bool = True

Flag for including synth control values.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async query_version(sync: bool = True) VersionInfo | None

Query the server’s version.

Emit /version requests.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

async quit(force: bool = False) AsyncServer

Quit the server.

Emit /quit requests.

force: bool = False

Force the server to quit, even if this client doesn’t own the process.

async reboot() AsyncServer

Reboot the server.

async reset() AsyncServer

Reset the server’s state without quitting.

async sync(sync_id: int | None = None) AsyncServer

Sync the server.

Emit /sync requests.

sync_id: int | None = None

The sync ID to wait on.

class BaseServer(options: Options | None, osc_protocol: OscProtocol, process_protocol: ProcessProtocol, **kwargs)

Bases: Context

Base class for realtime execution contexts.

options: Options | None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

__contains__(object_: ContextObject) bool
send(message: SupportsOsc) None

Send a message to the execution context.

message: SupportsOsc

The message to send.

set_latency(latency: float) None

Set the context’s latency.

latency: float

The latency in seconds.

property boot_status : BootStatus

Get the server’s boot status.

property default_group : Group

Get the server’s default group.

property is_owner : bool

Get the server’s ownership flag.

property osc_protocol : OscProtocol

Get the server’s OSC protocol.

property process_protocol : ProcessProtocol

Get the server’s process protocol.

property status : StatusInfo | None

Get the server’s last received status.

class BootStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: IntEnum

__format__(format_spec, /)

Default object formatter.

class Server(options: Options | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseServer

A realtime execution context with threading-based OSC and process protocols.

options: Options | None = None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

boot(*, options: Options | None = None, **kwargs) Server

Boot the server.

options: Options | None = None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

connect(*, options: Options | None = None, **kwargs) Server

Connect to a running server.

options: Options | None = None

The context’s options.


Keyword arguments for options.

disconnect() Server

Disconnect from a running server.

get_buffer(buffer: Buffer, *indices: int, sync: bool = True) Dict[int, float] | None

Get a buffer sample.

Emit /b_get requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer whose sample to get.

*indices: int

The sample indices to read.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

get_buffer_range(buffer: Buffer, index: int, count: int, sync: bool = True) Sequence[float] | None

Get a buffer sample range.

Emit /b_getn requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer whose samples to get.

index: int

The sample index to start reading at.

count: int

The number of samples to read.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

get_bus(bus: Bus, sync: bool = True) float | None

Get a control bus value.

Emit /c_get requests.

bus: Bus

The control bus whose value to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

get_bus_range(bus: Bus, count: int, sync: bool = True) Sequence[float] | None

Get a range of control bus values.

Emit /c_getn requests.

bus: Bus

The control bus to start reading at.

count: int

The number of contiguous buses whose values to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

get_synth_control_range(synth: Synth, control: int | str, count: int, sync: bool = True) Sequence[str | float] | None

Get a range of synth controls.

Emit /s_getn requests.

synth: Synth

The synth whose control to get.

control: int | str

The control to start reading at.

count: int

The number of contiguous controls to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

get_synth_controls(synth: Synth, *controls: int | str, sync: bool = True) Dict[int | str, float] | None

Get a synth control.

Emit /s_get requests.

synth: Synth

The synth whose control to get.

*controls: int | str

The controls to get.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

query_buffer(buffer: Buffer, sync: bool = True) BufferInfo | None

Query a buffer.

Emit /b_query requests.

buffer: Buffer

The buffer to query.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

query_node(node: Node, sync: bool = True) NodeInfo | None

Query a node.

Emit /n_query requests.

node: Node

The node to query.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

query_status(sync: bool = True) StatusInfo | None

Query the server’s status.

Emit /status requests.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

query_tree(group: Group | None = None, include_controls: bool = True, sync: bool = True) QueryTreeGroup | QueryTreeSynth | None

Query the server’s node tree.

Emit /g_queryTree requests.

group: Group | None = None

The group whose tree to query. Defaults to the root node.

include_controls: bool = True

Flag for including synth control values.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

query_version(sync: bool = True) VersionInfo | None

Query the server’s version.

Emit /version requests.

sync: bool = True

If true, communicate the request immediately. Otherwise bundle it with the current request context.

quit(force: bool = False) Server

Quit the server.

Emit /quit requests.

force: bool = False

Force the server to quit, even if this client doesn’t own the process.

reboot() Server

Reboot the server.

reset() Server

Reset the server’s state without quitting.

sync(sync_id: int | None = None) Server

Sync the server.

Emit /sync requests.

sync_id: int | None = None

The sync ID to wait on.

exception FailWarning